Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Jurisprudence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Jurisprudence - Essay Example Consequently, keeping in accordance with such traits law and the institutions that aim at implement legal systems in a social context are required to transform them so that the basic issues of individual liberty and equality can be attained or maintained. However, understanding nature of such social change is not an easy method; rather it requires substantial empathetic or farsighted observation so that pulse of such change can be perceived accurately and in this context, relevance of Jurisprudence can be realized. If an attempt is made to analyze the term â€Å"Jurisprudence†, it will be found that the word is a fusion of two words â€Å"Jurist† and â€Å"prudence†: leading a student of law to the realization that scholarly opinion or prudence of jurists is actually known as jurisprudence. According to the legal scholars like Roscoe Pound, jurisprudence is actually â€Å"the science of law† and they have contradicted opinion of legal philosophers like Austin who suggested that jurisprudence is actually â€Å"a philosophy of law† (Pound, 2002, p. 7-11). The historical development of jurisprudence, starting from ancient Greek civilization to modern time is clearly suggestive of the fact that a lot of changes have occurred in the arena of jurisprudential observation regarding society, its transformation and the scope of implementing legal principles within the ever changing scope of social domain. There are several ways that the term â€Å"law† is used i n social context. One of the major ways is that â€Å"It is used to mean the regime of ordering human activities and adjusting human relations through the systematic application of the force of a politically organized society† (Pound, 2000, p. 13). The changing nature of society and scope of legal application alter considerably mainly due to mutual interaction of people, inhabiting within a social domain. According to natural

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