Sunday, May 24, 2020

Staying in a Bad Marriage - 967 Words

There are millions of women that are being abused in their marriages. Many of these women choose to stay in these marriages, which leads to many women being murdered and families being destroyed. While there could be various reasons why women may stay in these marriages, researcher Critelli (2012) provides one main factor that explains why many women stay in those marriages. This factor is based upon different religions, leadership obligations, and the interpretations of these particular religions. Christianity is a well-known religion that often includes various denominations. Four denominations that will be discussed within this paper are Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, and Methodist. These denominations have a wide range of approaches in relation to roles and treatment of women in relationships and marriages. In addition, these various denominations offer insight upon the different interpretations of the role of religion in abusive marriages. To understand why many women may decide to stay in abusive marriages, we must first understand how the different denominations of Christianity perceive marriage, the views of divorce, and the process of remarriage. Catholic View of Marriage Duba (2012) explains the Catholic view of marriage as a holy covenant between the husband and wife that should symbolize the â€Å"eternal relationship between God and the church† (2012/244). Duba also discussed that the Catholic view of marriage and marital relationship is often noted within variousShow MoreRelatedDivorce Where Children Are Involved Essay1561 Words   |  7 PagesHowever, one must keep in mind that divorce is not always the answer. If there is a marriage that has only minor and easily remedied issues then they should try to reach a compromise. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Volumetric Mri, A Future Tool For Diagnosing Alzheimer s...

Volumetric MRI, A Future Tool for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease? April 13, 2015 In medicine, an early diagnosis can mean the difference between life and death. With today’s advancements in technology, early diagnosis is becoming a real possibility for many diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease. Worldwide it is estimated that 24 million people have dementia, the majority of these people are thought to have Alzheimer’s disease. (Mayo Clinic, 2014) According to Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) (2015) Alzheimer’s disease is among the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. Affecting 5.1 million Americans. Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging, but the risk of developing this disease increases with age.†¦show more content†¦According to (Mayo Clinic, 2014) Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia among people over the age of 65.  ¬ In Alzheimer’s disease, the brain cells actually degenerate and die, causing a steady decline in memory and mental function . When a person has Alzheimer’s disease the cortex will shrivel up, this causes problems with thinking, planning, and remembering. The hippocampus of the brain will also shrink, which is the part of the brain that helps form new memories; an Alzheimer’s patient’s brain will also have enlarged ventricles. Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease show two types of abnormal lesions that clog their brain: Beta-amyloid plaques—sticky clumps of protein fragments and cellular material that form outside and around neurons; and neurofibrillary tangles—insoluble twisted fibers composed largely of the protein tau that build up inside nerve cells. However scientists are unclear whether these lesions actually cause the disease or if they are just a byproduct of the disease. (Mayo Clinic, 2014) Some early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease include memory loss that interrupts daily life, confusion with time or place, trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships, new problems with speaking or writing, withdrawal from work or social activities, and changes in mood and personality. Alzheimer’s disease dates back to 1906; a German physician named

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Do You Agree or Disagree with the Following Statement Free Essays

First, computers contain office software as well as recreational functions. If one is not self-disciplined, it is easy for them to lose track of time when they use the internet at home. The home environment is greatly conducive to lounging on a sofa watching T. We will write a custom essay sample on Do You Agree or Disagree with the Following Statement or any similar topic only for you Order Now V or cooking or calling friends over to play video games. You don’t feel important and co-inhabitants do not take you seriously. How do you work and not go-to work? Take my friend Emily as an example, she is a columnist. Once she worked at a newspaper office. Chatting on line, watching movies or browsing irrelevant websites are not allowed during work time, so she has to just focus on her work. But this year she started to work at home. She writes articles at home and sends them to editors by e-mails. I thought this would be great as she doesn’t need to spend time on commute. However, she told me that at home she can’t help logging on msn and chatting with people or browsing irrelevant websites, sometimes she even plays computer games. As a result, she gradually became a procrastinator. These days she often starts to finish her tasks near deadlines. Second, working at home makes people isolated. Working in the office provides an opportunity to get along with colleagues. And sometimes colleagues can be good friends, which brings lots fun. Social interaction takes the form of group-energy in the workplace. Most people are extroverts and therefore need other people around to maintain motivation. My sister, Dorinda, is a introvert and nearly has no words. When some mistakes happens in her work and she is critized by boss, she is so depressed that has no energy and persistance to move on. But her colleagues find she is unusual and come to ask the reason. Then they encourage Dorinda and help her check, under all the colleagues’ help, she does better and is usually prasied by boss. Therefore, working with colleagues does better academically than their isolated counterparts. Finally, though using the computer and the telephone at home can help finish some work, it reduced face-to-face interaction with other employees or supervisors. Sometimes, a complex problem can’t be solved only by words successfully, it needs discussions or even arguments that create innovative ideas and strategic decisions. Take me for instance, if I have some questions in my homework, I perfer asking teachers after class rahter than just call him. Through face-to- face interaction, I can see the method and the ways of solving the question and find where my mistakes are. Moreover, boss are more facinated with the traditional way of managing. He eeds to make sure everyone is concertrated on working. In order to make the communications more effective, working at office and face-to-face interaction is necessary. I have to admit that modern technology like computer and telephone does bring convenience to people’s life. They enable people to work at home and make schedules more freely. However, I still believe that the defects of working at home outweigh its merits since there is no guarantee that working at home enhance proficienc y. How to cite Do You Agree or Disagree with the Following Statement, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Features of the Ocean Floor Example For Students

Features of the Ocean Floor Question Answer The edge of a continent where the land interacts with the ocean. The transition from land to deep sea, from continental crust to oceanic crust that consists of the continental shelf, slope rise. Continental Margin Contains active geological areas such as subduction, volcanoes, earthquakes. Has a very narrow continental shelf that is less stable with a very steep continental slope and little or no continental rise. Occurs more on the West Coast. Active Continental Margin Is a non-geologically active area that has wide continental shelves that are more stable with gradual sloping continental slopes and a well developed continental rise. Occurs in the East Coast. Passive Continental Margin A gently sloping submerged plain that surrounds all continents. It can be narrow or wide, from the beach out to the shelf break. Continental Shelf The area where the seafloor drops steeply from the continental shelf to the ocean floor. Continental Slope The area where sediments from continents pile up at the base of the continental slope. Continental Rise Steep V shaped cuts through the continental slops with turbidity currents, or under sea mudslides, carve valleys into the shelf slope creating deep sea fans. Submarine Canyons Small, submerged volcanic mountains that are taller than 1 km and rise above the ocean surface to form islands. Seamounts These are eroded seamount islands that have become flattened and are beneath the ocean surface. Guyots These are long, narrow, steep depressions in the ocean floor that form the deepest parts of the ocean and are mainly found in the Pacific Ocean basin. They form at convergent tectonic plate boundaries (subduction zones). Ocean trenches The deepest ocean trench. Mariana trench This is the vast, flat seafloor area at a depth of 10,000 to 20,000 ft. Larger ones are hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles long. Abyssal Plain This global system is the largest single volcanic feature on the Earth. It is the site of focused volcanic activity. These occur at divergent tectonic plate boundaries when 2 plates are moving away from each other. Mid-Ocean Ridge This is a depression that forms at the crest of the mid-ocean ridge. Magma comes up out of a crack in the sea floor, where new crust is continually being created. Rift Valley Hot springs or geysers on oceanic ridges that occur when sea water seeps into the ocean floor and is superheated by the underlying magma. It mixes with minerals and gases before escaping upwards through cracks in the crust. Hydrothermal vents Unstable areas of mid-ocean ridge where fractures can form when large sections of the ridge slide past each other. Transform faults These are areas of very rough, steep topography that are created from transform faults that run perpendicular across ridges. Fracture zones